I scooted around online today trying to find vegan diet information and blogs. Here is something the bothers me: many of them want me to try meatless meat products. Dairyless dairy products. What is the point of soy turkey? If I wanted to eat turkey I would roast a turkey. The same with soy yogurt, soy ice cream, or soy whatever.
The main goal for me is to eat a plant-based diet of whole foods. I know soy is a good protein but I am just not a big fan and I don't think making it taste like fake bacon is going to change my mind.
A few years ago, when I was changing to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, I cooked a pot of rice and beans that had 'smoke flavoring' added. Big mistake. My kitchen smelled like I had roasted a whole pig. I threw out the food and still smelled pork for days. I learned a lesson that day - if you don't eat meat don't cook something that smells like meat!
Anyway, I don't see the sense in eating fake anything. Once again, it seems that corporate America has taken over even this portion of our eating. As usual, they have their greedy little hands in our tills.
Be careful out there.
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