Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What do I know?

I guess to be fair I should reveal the author of the book that started me on this vegan journey. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell Esselstyn, MD.

Here is what I liked:
The book is well written and easy to understand.
It didn't blind me with science.
There are helpful hints on dealing with 'food' situations - restaurants, travel, etc.
Fully half of the book is made up of recipes.

There are some scary pictures of arteries that are as blocked as an LA freeway during rush hour (or any time really).

Dr. E presents a simple case and a simple plan. Eat vegetables, grains, fruits. No oil. No meat, poultry or seafood. No dairy. No eggs.

Makes a trip to the grocery store a breeze. Three-fourths of the stuff in the store is not for me.

Today I had my usual Kashi cereal with blueberries for breakfast. I mixed 1/2 cup of 2% milk and 1/2 cup of almond milk and poured it over the cereal. I sometimes like to ease into things. Make small adjustments. Anyway, the half-and-half mixture was OK. I really couldn't tell much difference. That is a plus. I was afraid I would not like the taste.

For lunch I had another one of Melissa's veggie burgers on Arnold's Whole Wheat round, lettuce, mustard, green beans, and some of the roasted vegetables from last night.

Afternoon snack: Kale and grapes.

I do feel hungry though. Or maybe it is just empty. Is there a difference? Today I have eaten about every three hours.

Who would think of kale as a snack?

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